May 29, 2006

Cat Tales

A stray cat has made its way into our home. Also into our hearts.

It had come a few weeks back and I and my mom had given it some milk. Then the cat started visiting our home everyday 2-3 times, it used to fend for itself in the remaining time.

Comes and sits patiently outside the kitchen door and lets out mellow "Meows". It happily laps up the milk my mom puts and eats idlis and dosas too! Well, I have taken up this duty in the mornings and weekends. Then it lazes around the kitchen and goes off after some time. When the door is not opened and when there is no response from us, it searches for an open window and jumps right in. (It learned this trick a few days back).

Actually the sad,helpless look that the cat makes, reminded me of a scene in Shrek 2, where Puss-in-boots, uses his secret weapon, the same expression when attacked by the soldiers, during the later half of the movie. No one can resist being compassionate to them!!

Now-a-days, it visits regularly at a gap of every 2 hrs!! Well, we must have pampered it so much, that I think it is too lazy to even search for food outside.

It has become very friendly with me and my mom and I took this as a chance to get my hand at some animal portraits. But couldn't get a decent snap yet.
I can take a stab at it, as long as the cat doesn't find other better sources for food and strays away again, this time, away from us.

1 comment:

Vivek Kant Indrayan said...

Reminds me of CatWoman! Ever tried jumping from >=10 ft, to see if you land on your legs?? :-)