August 12, 2007

He is now a year old.....

Yep! My nephew turned a year old on Aug10th! Time sure seems to be in a hurry! :-)

He has started walking now and wants to exercise his new-found skill every single minute he is awake. He has grown remarkably tall, which only means a quick re-vamp of the house - blocking drawers/shoe racks he can reach and pull out, moving vessels and other things to upper racks. Keeping his grandparents very active, to say the least!

Still speaks gibberish and tries imitating his chikkamma's naa-na-na-naa-na! :-) Loves going out of the house and calling every person who passes by. If the passer-by does not acknowledge him, well..he sure knows how to make them! A true leo cub in the making. :-) Time is not only fleeting, it also promises fun...loads of fun!
Here is a sweet, simple poem I came across, dedicated to Simba!

It's your first birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake;
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move you make.

We join in celebration,
As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.

We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.

So dig into your icing;
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day
Is a special person--you!

[Baby's First Birthday - By Joanna Fuchs]


Shekhar said...

Some pics of ur lovely nephew plz!

vinu said...

@shekhar: had put it on sometime back on the didn't like the idea :-) wil mail ya the link later

1.thnks for the wishes and nice padhya :-)
2. vil send the link once i upload the pics
3. yep..but he does follow me dutifully..setting a nice example u c ;-)
4. i didn't post ur comment!