Sheesh! I really do love writing. Which does remind me of how my friend still loves telling other friends/colleagues the incredibly fascinating tale of
"how-vinutha-used-to-write-the-english-exam-paper -for-a-full-3 hours [and oh she took extra sheets too!!!]"
Allow me to justify here! Who could resist the "Explain in no more than 10[or was it 20? or was there a limit even??] your perspective on Subashini's life in the story "Subashini"?" or "Write a brief summary on King Lear and was he justified in his treatment of his 3 daughters?" Not me..i loved them!!!
And I must say, getting top scores in language subjects always made me happy! How exactly the teacher even deciphered my hand-writing..hmm...That's a topic I wont elaborate on [at least for now!]
A little retrospect on the subject matter at hand, and hey..I came up with the following 3 laws [which holds true for my alarmingly diminishing write-ups on the blog] and oh!! heard them here first!!! ;-) ]:
1. When you feel like writing..just do. If that moment are pretty much left with a blank notepad/word doc and well that's pretty blank ain't it!
2. The more you postpone writing about that silly incident you saw today, that awesome trek you had, that hilarious movie you saw, the unexpected turns in life, the moments of sadness..ok...ok..i stop...but you get the point! Now, where was I?? oh yes... the more time you postpone it, the more averse you become to capture it in words.
[This law may very well be misunderstood to sound like a corollary to Law no 1. But no it isn't]
3. If you start posting pictures, you always have something to post. So you end up writing less.
Justification to Law no 3: Apparently, a picture is worth a thousand words!!!
Hmm..strayed away hopelessly from the title didn't I?
So a combination of all the above-stated laws results in this picture account of a recent trip to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco!!! [ now you get the title?!??!??]
We took a ferry ride, which has this very informative audio tour. Seriously.

The ferry-ride comprises of a tour of few places of SFO and the golden gate bridge had to be one of them.

And to end this, as usual, some random shots.

p.s: If you are still wondering, What happened to Vinutha's usual writing style? Did she actually write this post? Let's just say she is hugely "inspired" by the immensely enjoyable accounts of a fellow-blogger she chanced upon today!
And like everything else, this will pass too!
I agree with all the laws you have said and the most important of all is the first one !!! which def has helped me :-P
I dint feel that you had changed the way u write ... It still seems like the same blog post for me .. creativity and ofcourse the english :-P
Well with the Audio at the Rock... Did you check the board their ? - If u have missed it - It say " Welcome Indians "
Here goes the 4th Law :
For an get back equally interesting comments :)))
Madam is making laws....loong way to gooo :)
Nice pics...
want to see you back your old writing style !! ;)
@sudks: yeah..saw that message..but didn't take a pic. :-(
@sandhya: haha..yeah..the fourth law sure seems to be appealing :-)
it ain't "something" .. everythins fishy over there!! We poor veggies were watching fish in the acquarium while others were serving themselves a treat with the same crabs & lobsters!!
@shekhar: :-) yeah..true!
hey nice write up..and coool snaps..
I agree with sandhya after reading the interesting comments.
BTW was releived to know that the "Welcome Indians" board on the rock was for Red Indians ;)
Looking forward for more Vinutha's Laws. Dont make too many...some 1 mt have to learn them in future...;))
@seema: thanks :-) hehe..yeah if not for the interesting aspect, this def increases the size of the comments! hmm.more reason to come up with such posts?? ;-)and oh i'l come up wit a rulebook wat say??? :-D
thoughts that surpass a normal human mind!
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