Also missed is the awesome food mom makes. Although, I did try my hand at sweet-making today, and believe me, it is best left to mothers! :-)
But it did not turn out that bad either. Hmm..lesse what others have to say tomorrow about it! Yes, of course, you think I am going to let my friends go away so easily!!! :-)
Happy Deepawali to you all!

Happy Deepawali.... Madam so we have something in do i :-)... i have the akki kadale bele payasa . oops i am sorry to say that i dint had dry grapes nor elachi !!! So its just sweet with rice and bele :-P ...
could you pl elaborate neevu yEn try maaDideera antha ??? :-)).. would love to hear the recipe... :-).. ll try it out here...
seriously.. trying out is def. gr8 fun..
btw.. wish you and bhuv a very happy and bright deepavali...
- AK
it was really AWESOME madam... thanks for the burfy and keep some more for me!!!!!
I still wonder whether u did it . just kidding :-P ... the shape and taste has come out perfect !! Right on track .. i dont need to cook for next 20 days :-P
>>[I am still against crackers though; you know, the pollution, noise etc etc]
Actually I think other wise. Besides the employment opportunities the firework manufacturers provides, It is tradition the celebration of victory of good over evil.
@sudks: thnks! a lil exaggeration over there but what the heck compliments are alwayz welcome! :-D and as far project cooking@larkspur goes, its u-->bhuvan-->me in that order! :-)
@kartha: hey have loads of fun on this deepawali! and details vil post later illandre mail maaDthini ninge with the pics ;-)
Hey Vinutha,
Have been following your blog for a while now. I must say you write well, straight from the heart :)
Looking forward to more posts. By the way, a Very happy Diwali :)
@chandru: Victory of good over evil can also be portrayed by other means - lighting deepas for instance, deepawali, sans the noise.. :-) and also if we are keeping the employment opportunity in mind, one analogy i can come up with is promoting smoking to save the tobacco industry!
btw, you must have def missed the deepawali fun@home right?
@sandeep: thnks.. a lil late thgh, but welcome to my blog! :-)
Belated Happy Diwali Wishes.
>>Victory of good over evil can also be portrayed by other means - lighting deepas for instance,
you see that is not tradition. the tradition is to burn crackers and make noise. there are lot of other things which are causing more pollution than depavali crackers. pollution should not be the reason to stop such tradition.
>>btw, you must have def missed the deepawali fun@home right?
Yes, I miss bursting crackers. I spoke to some of my friends back in bangalore and they are having a gala time. but can;t help it. the reality is i am here and i choose this.
me on your side wrt bursting crackers. :) it truly is a pollutant. need to argue with sudarshan at length. ;)
@suraj: yeah.. i got tired of arguin wit him..actually i didn't have the patience to go thru his comment section to reply back! :-) u hav fun and good luck!!!
@ Vinutha and Suraj : Guys it wasnt arguement, its about how we get lost in this world !! I just dint want to comment here much ... coz my blog has a detail description of how fun and crackers go together.. if u feel u r the culprit for the pollution .. sorry to say u are also the culprit for making your life and nextGen life into non fun loving place !! Pick which means a lot for you !!
Wow such a great post and beautiful and eye catching diwali decoration. Diwali diyas decoration picture is really great and i have no word to describe that how beautiful that picture is!Diwali is a major festival of india and it is also known as festival of lights. All Indians are celebrated this festival with great joy.It is also true that Diwali remain incomplete without exchange of Diwali Gifts. But it is not possible for NRI People to meet relative and family on Diwali festival. So, they send online diwali gifts to india to their relative and loved one.
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