Vegas in the night!
Musical fountain in front of Bellagio.

The above two pics were taken at 12.00 in the night. Unbelievable right? False ceilings again.. this was inside 'The Venetian'.
A peek into the other side of the Venetian.

Two more theme-based Casino.
And finally, some more pictures :-)
Does it remind you of Gladys (Phoebe's work of art)?

Oops the Harley Davidson place... unforgettable :-P .... did i mean close of bulbs ;)
@sudks: yep, and what about the ferrari??? :-)
yenri! close up picture haaki anta andre bulb foto haakteera? namma maneli kooDa philpis 40W bulb ide [:D]
tht venetian.. again unbelievable!
I was abt to rest .. thinking i have had enuf of travel over the past yr.. but these pictures have enticed me to travel again !!! may be the next long drive from seattle ... I better strike a deal with MS soon for the next sumer ;)
@shekhar: hehe..finalize the deal real soon! :-)
wow ! Your blog seems to be sooo close to my travelogue :-)
We woould have surely crossed at Vegas or The aquarium .. :-)
The high-spirit post gambling done!!
on the contrary, it indicates I won! :-)
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