A group of volunteers from our office are helping the security and house-keeping staffs' kids, with their education and other needs. So far they have been provided with monthly rations (rice, dal, etc) and payment of their school fees. Monetary contributions from the employees have ensured this scheme to last for a year!
The kids had come to our office yesterday and the volunteers spent time with them, helping them make greeting cards and interacting/discussing with them about what they need and what we can do to help them. Couldn't attend the same, but I got one of those cards for contributing towards the cause! The card did brighten my Monday morning. :-) Will definitely try to volunteer actively in future activities.
The first page of the card. Will post clear snaps, if possible, later.

This poem was in the last page.
City At Night
When the night begins to fall
And the sky begins to glow
You look up and see the tall
City of light begin to grow --
In rows and little golden squares
The lights come out. First here, then there
Behind the windowpanes as though
A million billion bees had built
Their golden hives and honeycombs
Above you in the air.
-Mary Britton Miller
wow!! shud've felt really nice ! is this something that u employees are involved in on a personal basis.. or is cisco hr involved too ?
@shekhar: yep! felt really good. and it's an employee initiative :-)
Ya,,i kno the feeling..felt the same when i had been to CLT..n taught them computer basics n stuff..wonderful experience :)
well well.. is it "IN the last page" or "ON the last page"? ;)
@pras: Yep...makes us want to give-back more to the society like cisco's motto! :-)
@sameer: hmm.. wait.. let me think.. what is it..in..or on..in..or on... ting! (halo reappears!) ;-)
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