September 23, 2011

Its a first!!

The kiddo had his first juice drinking session today. It was like a major event, with both grandparents and mommy, your's truly that is, involved right from the inception till the end!

Oh the joy of squeezing the sweet lime, measuring the quantity so that I can add the exact amount of water to it. Mixing a little sugar into it and hoping and praying that the kid takes a liking to it. :-) We used a filler to give him the juice. Initially, he was a little unsure about what was being put into his mouth. He then started sucking the filler with vigor and I must think he enjoyed drinking it. We just gave him half of the concoction and hope that it doesn't affect his digestive system very much.

Ah, the joys of watching a baby's first milestones. The day he smiled for the first time, the day he rolled over, and the day he crawled! Yeah, he did start crawling from yesterday! I must say, its the cutest thing I have ever seen!

As I was rejoicing a thought stuck me. Its amazing how we celebrate and enjoy a baby's first actions/milestones. What happens to that enthusiasm when adults start something new for the first time. Why isn't it given that much of an importance? We encourage the kid when he does something new, hug him, kiss him, show our appreciation. Am sure that makes the kid happy and motivates him to continue. Shouldn't the same be applied to adults as well? A word of appreciation goes a long way! I make a mental note to start appreciating people more often now, will you??

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