The rains are creating havoc in Bangalore city. Power outages, uprooted trees and traffic jams seem to have caused a lot of pain and traveling back in time, I wonder why we were applying petitions to the Almighty for even a lil bit of rain to save us from that terrible, terrible heat. That was necessary and hopefully this too.
Getting caught in the rain, reminded me of my college days (or even after I started working) when I had to go home late (intentionally or unintentionally). I would have to call home and give an update to mom. A typical conversation would be:
Me: Mom, I'll be late for so-and-so reason.
Ma: Why didn't you call earlier? Where are you? Who is with you? How are you coming back? Will someone be dropping you?
..and a barrage of other 'important' questions.
But what I specifically remember is my father asking on the other side of the call(addressing my mom, shouting loudly): "Ask her where she is. I will go and pick her up now only. or give me the phone, I'll ask her.."
This was more out of concern than anything else.
And that little assurance was very important and would make a whole lot of difference to me...
No matter where I was caught, I was sure I would be picked up! No matter where I was, or how far he had to go in search of an auto (neither does he drive not did we have any vehicle at home). Knowing my terrible direction sense, am sure some will agree that, indeed, this was a blessing! :-D
No wonder, that I would expect, no..wish, that I would marry someone who would do the same too. That would be every single time I was caught somewhere or needed a ride. Simple isn't it? I will whole heartedly blame my father, brother(in-law) and friends, who did just that for me. And now, from 2 years, it is someone else's turn to carry on with this tradition. :-) I must add, he does a good job of it too.
But its surprising how quickly one would take such things for granted. No explanations given, no logic prevails. Nothing.. it just happens.
Hmm..that brings me to another related topic. It probably is true that, sub-consciously or knowingly, a girl would want to see a part of her father in the guy she likes. The same way a guy would say 'My mom doesn't do it this way.." or "Let's ask mom, she knows better".
Because that's what parents are, better experienced, all knowing, and most importantly, a great benchmark. :-) The only thing we need to do is know where and when to draw a line. And oh boy, that is definitely not easy!
Ok, I digressed a lot of times throughout this post, and I'll let it be. One more digression is allowed right? Here it goes.
I changed the date of a small friendship-quotes-filled calender, and I saw this quote for 22nd:
Friendship is an inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.How nice would it be if this was extended to most of our relationships. What say?